I am a spiritual Leader, metaphysical Coach and a natural amplifier...what means i work on a quantum level, light and frequencies are my tools and I naturally upgrade your gifts and tools.
WHY I do what I do, and why I’d like to help YOU to upgrade your life... please do me the favor and read this short story to better understand...
I woke up at the age of 7 from the sound of a gunshot- my father had just killed himself.
He felt so completely unhappy and lonely stuck in his life, that he decided to end it immediately. He didn't know how to change his pain, how to shift his emotions and live a happy life.
I was always a very intuitive soul, I can feel other people’s pain. I could feel my dad’s pain, but as a child did not know how to help heal him. This is what inspired me to dedicate time to study and learn how to heal people. I love to help people transform and upgrade and get back on a happy trail.
My psychic senses work like surgeons to find the root of any issue and clear it...
Helping others upgrade to a happy life is what inspires me and makes me happy!
The reason I wanted to share this with you is that I want you to know that I care - this is why I made it my profession - this is why I can and love to help you….